Today is the first day of spring in Australia. A chance to renew the old and take on the new.
It's been quite a while since my last blogg. Personal and family changes have continued to get in the way of my interest in Việt Nam railways, but hopefully things are now back on track.
I have added a few bits and pieces to the website but I still have a backlog of material. At the moment I'm redesigning the 'Freight' page which will become similar to the 'Locomotive' page ie. an index page and then separate pages for each type of freight vehicle. This should make it easier to update and add new data as it comes to hand.
My plan is to do the same thing for the 'Coach' page but I think that is still some time away.
My other plan is to produce a brief history of railways in Việt Nam which will be in the form of a PDF booklet which can be downloaded. In the back of my head I see this as a test run for a possibly much larger volume, similar to the recently republished 'Railways of Thailand', which could be commercially published (if any publisher is interested), but I think that is still a long way away.
All these plans take time to complete, so don't hold your breathe.
I'm also currently trying to learn Vietnamese by attending Vietnamese language classes but this is a long slow process. Isn't it sad that as you get older your brain seems to have a lot more trouble 'assimilating' new knowledge and learning new skills. At least that's how it is for me.
There is also the possibility of myself travelling to Việt Nam to live for a longer period of time, which I think will enable me to access large amounts of information that is not available to me now, as well as continue to build my own photo collection.
So, if anyone is still reading this blogg... welcome back.