Welcome to 2018.
I know I almost disappeared in 2017, but the website is still there and I have made a few updates.
I promise that 2018 will see a lot more activity on the website. As well as a bit of a refresh, I have a number of updates to add.
The "Re-unification Express" magazine sort of ground to a halt as well. This was partly through lack of energy and partly because it seems to get harder and harder to find new info about Vietnam Railways.
One good thing that has happened is the number of videos depicting current VNR operations has increased significantly on YouTube. If you look very carefully there are also a few "old" videos also posted.
I will try to publish a "2017" annual issue to cover last year and then try to get back into the swing with Volume 2 Issue 1 to clearly show that I intend to continue.
Towards the end of 2017 I was given very short notice to move so I'm only now settling in and finding some time to update and refresh.
Here's something I found during the year. The photos show the final connection of the "Trans Indochine" in 1936 with Emperor Bao Dai and Governor General Rene Robin in attendance. For the first time trains could run all the way from Saigon to Hanoi.
That's it for this time. Just thought I'd touch base and explain what my plans are for this year.
Wish me luck!